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Разглаживание вещей каждый день без лишних усилий
Тратьте меньше времени на разглаживание одежды с помощью вертикального отпаривателя Philips серии 3000 благодаря встроенной гладильной доске и большой поверхности отпаривателя с заостренным кончиком. Защитите одежду от микробов и придайте ей аромат свежести с помощью капсулы для парфюма MyEssence.
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10. - 13. марта
Tilting StyleBoard for better results, conveniently
The tilting StyleBoard provides reliable support during steaming. Simply press the fabric between the steam plate and board for easier steaming with crisp results from top to bottom.
Heats up in under 60 seconds, so you are ready in no time
Whenever you need it, the stand steamer is ready to use in less than 60 seconds, ideal for those last minute outfit choices.
MyEssence, refresh your clothes with your favorite scents
Our innovative MyEssence fragrance infuser lets you refresh clothing withyour favourite scents anytime you choose.
3 steam settings with high continuous steam rate
Set your preferred steam setting for optimal results on different fabric. Uselow steam for thinner fabrics and a more powerful setting for thicker fabricsand coats.
Large pointed metal steamer head for precise results
Perfectly precise: Our innovative metal steamer head features a large soleplate and precision tip designed to tackle hard-to-reach areas like collars and in-between buttons with ease.
Kills up to 99.9% of bacteria* to refresh and remove odors
Besides de-wrinkling, 3000 Series also refreshes clothes (and soft furnishings, curtains, toys) and removes odors by killing up to 99.9% of bacteria*.
Large 2 L water tank, lasts longer between refills
Take on big loads: The 2L detachable and transparent water tank is large enough to tackle even big loads of ironing.
Safe on all ironable fabrics
Our steamer is safe to use on all ironable fabrics and garments. Our steam plate can be safely pressed against any clothing with no risk of burning; a great solution for delicate fabrics like silk.
Slim design to store easily
Make it fit: Due to its smart design, the stand steamer doesn't take much space and can be stored easily.
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