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The LG evo G4 OLED TV offers a top-tier viewing experience, combining the alpha 11 AI 4K processor that enhances clear image and sound. The design is minimalist, allowing the TV to mount flush against the wall without any gaps.
• High contrast and brightness thanks to Brightness Booster Max
• Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision ensure top quality for movies and games
• Five-year warranty on WebOS
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2. - 4. April
Picture enhancement
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The TV's design is impressive. It's not for nothing that many people chose it as the best TV of 2024. The sound is much improved compared to previous models. For example, AI helps to highlight voices when watching news, or special effects during a movie. The music doesn't sound special, but overall everything is ok. After the C9 model, I thought there was not much room for improvement in OLED - it turns out I was wrong. By the way, it should be noted that this particular model does not come with a stand. There is a wall mount included.
TV vazdas įspūdingas. Ne veltui daug kas išrinko geriausiu 2024 metų TV. Labai pagerintas garsas palyginus su ankstesniais modeliais. Pvz. AI pagalba išryškina balsą žiūrint žinias, arba spec. efektus per filmą. Muzika skamba neypatingai, bet bendrai viskas ok. Po C9 modelio galvojau OLED nelabai yra kur tobulėt - pasirodo klydau. Beje reik atkreipt dėmesį, kad būtent šio modelio komplektacijoje nėra stovo. Komplekte yra sienos laikiklis.
Good TV in its class. It looks good hung on the wall. Image quality under the LCD is a fairy tale.
Geras TV savo klasėje. Pakabintas ant sienos gerai žiūrisi. Vaizdo kokybė po LCD - pasaka.