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With this complete 3-in-1 cleaning solution, you can remove dust, dirt, stains, liquid messes and bacteria in one go; no need to vacuum first. Easily switch to the Vacuum only and Handheld setup when wet cleaning is not needed.
• Vacuum&Wash in one go
• Hygienic Auto-Clean system
• Deep reach under low furniture
• Ideal for pet owners
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2. - 4. April
Vacuum cleaner
Power supply
Hand vacuum cleaner
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I like that it is mobile, not very heavy, and that it cleans the floor very cleanly, but there are some drawbacks. It does not wash carpets. When washing, it leaves a puddle of water if you drive on the carpet or lift it. It is suitable for sudden changes in trajectory, you need to push it carefully, because it leaves water. It is not at all suitable for washing stairs, because you cannot move it from one step to another - it will let the water run out. It is quite a lot of work after washing to fill the clean water tanks, wash the parts and dry them. It is very difficult to remove the washing rollers for drying, it is difficult to hold them with your fingers, and it is impossible with long nails :) One got stuck so that even a man could not unscrew it. When washing, the battery drains very quickly, even in standard mode. You will wash 70 m2 unless you run. The battery charges to 100% in 2-3 hours. The suction power is not very high, but ok. We no longer use it for washing, only for vacuuming, because we can wash much faster with a bucket :)
Patinka, kad mobilus, nėra labai sunkus, ir kad labai švariai plauna grindis, bet yra minusų. Neplauna kilimų. Plaunant palieka vandens balas jei užvažiuos ant kilimo ar jį pakelsi. Jam tinka staigus trajektorijos keitimas, reikia stumdyti atsargiai, nes palieka vandenį. Visai netinka laiptams plauti, nes tu negali jo perkelti nuo vieno laipto ant kito - paleis vandenį. Gana daug reikalų po plovimo jam pildyti švaraus vandens talpas, plauti detales ir jas džiovinti. Labai sunku išimti plovimo volelius džiovinimui, sunku pirštais suimti, o su ilgais nagais išvis neįmanoma :) Vienas užstrigo taip, kad net vyras nebesugeba atsukti. Plaunant labai greitai išsikrauna akumuliatorius net ir standartiniu režimu. 70 m2 išsiplausit nebent bėgte. Iki 100% akumas pasikrauna per 2-3 val. Siurbimo galia nėra labai didelė, bet ok. Nebenaudojam plovimui, tik siurbimui, nes daug greičiau išsiplaunam su kibiru :)